The Holes in Zăplaz
Natural attraction / Tourist attraction - Zărnești
The Holes in Zăplaz are considered gateways to another dimension. The ruptures in the rock may be encountered coming up from the Spirlea Refugeto “La Lanțuri” trail in The Piatra Craiului Massif.
The Mountains of petrified shells dating back to the dinosaurs’ times turned into the holes that are currently at Zăplaz.
Cutting the sky, the Holes in Zăplaz means, actually, "fence boards" and are often likened to the work of Gaudi. Apart from and grandeur of the mountain holes, which scientists have no clear explanation, the windows carved into limestone are considered possible portal to another dimension.
The water, the wind, the years have worked hard on arches, columns, galleries, to create the phenomena displayed today.
The holes at Zăplaz is one of the most important sights of Piatra Craiului Massif, an objective which should not be missed it if you are nearby.
Text source: https://www.visitzarnesti.ro/