The church „The Entry of the Most Holy Mother of God into the Church” in Zărnești
Church / Tourist attraction - Zărnești
The church „The Entry of the Most Holy Mother of God into the Church” was built in 1779, ten years after the village was founded. The church was founded by the great Romanian merchant from Brașov, Ioniță Boghici.
The merchant from Brașov has also made other donations to the church, of which there were preserved four icons painted on 20th of February 1779 by Constantin Popovici and a brass candlestick with two arms, dated 1723.
Among the valuable objects brought from Tohanul Vechi by the priests Mihai and Oprea, there was a precious gospel printed in Bucharest in 1682 at the command and the expense of Ion Șerban, the nephew of the ruler Șerban Basarab.
Text source: https://www.visitzarnesti.ro/