Dealul Lempeș Reservation
Protected natural area
The Lempeș hill is part of the category of botanical reservations. This complex constitutes a typical component of the natural environment from the Depression of Brașov and has a scientific value without doubt.
The reservation is found on the administrative territory of the commune of Hărman and Sânpetru, being located on the Lempeș Hill, known as the Fortress Hill.
The surface of the reservation is 274,5 hectors. It was included in the natural protected area, of national interest, under the name of Fortress Hill - Lempeș.
The fauna is diverse and includes protected species like the hen-hawk, small eagle and the stag.
Text și photo-video sources: http://www.brasovtourism.eu/; http://romaniasalbatica.ro/; https://www.youtube.com/Romania Montană