The Church "Saint Nicholas" in Zărnești
Church / Tourist attraction - Zărnești
The church "Saint Nicholas" is the oldest church in the city, the old medieval art monument inscribed in the heritage of the Romanian Academy.
The great historian Nicolae Iorga believed that the church, which was built on the site in 1515 and then was repaired in 1810, comes from ancient times, from a Romanian ruler.
It seems that the original church was quite of small dimensions. As the number of residents was increased by approximately five times, the size of the church was unfit for its purpose.
In the late seventeenth century the church was finished, being stuck in the narthex of the chapel.
In the oral reports, the elders of the village said that after the Battle of 1690 at Zărnești, the Tatars burned the village, and here it did not stand after that scorching fire than the new church, whose brick and stone walls left in their place.
It is believed that the rise of this place would have been helped by a prince of Wallachia, respectively the predecessor of Constantin Brâncoveanu, Şerban Cantacuzino.
Text source: https://www.visitzarnesti.ro/