Birdwatching Doripesco
Wildlife Watching / Birdwatching
Hunting was also found in art, starting with the cave paintings, continuing with the many artworks from the Middle Ages and culminating with today's photography.
The phenomenon is heavily developed in the West, but began to shyly appear in the native tourist landscape in the last few years. The term refers to the observation and study of wild birds with the naked eye or with the help of the following equipment: binoculars, glasses, lenses and professional photographic cameras.
Unlike ornithologists, who study birds for purely scientific and research purposes, birdwatchers perform rather relaxing recreational activities that have a serious social component in the middle. Birdwatching is a combination of sports, relaxation and hiking in nature, all grafted on an ecological stand.
For some species, it is the area with the largest herds seen in Transylvania (black stork, big egret, big hawk, white hawk, black hawk).
1 March - 1 November: 08:00 - 18:00
Birdwatching fee: 20 lei / person