

Strada Tiberiu Spârchez 12A, Zărnești 505800, Romania

Destinația turistică Zărnești – Piatra Craiului este și în acest sezon în atenția iubitorilor de munte, de experiențe inedite, dar și a celor doritori de relaxare și odihnă activă. Deși numărul turiștilor străini este încă redus, cel al turiștilor români este în continuă creștere. 

În această perioadă turiștii caută în general destinații sigure, neaglomerate, aproape de natură, liniștite. O astfel de destinație este zona Zărnești - Piatra Craiului, care oferă numeroase posibilități de petrecere a timpului liber. 

Masivul Piatra Craiului este magnetul care atrage turiștii cu traseele de drumeție și cicloturism, plimbările călare, iar în sezonul de iarnă cu sporturile de iarnă: săniuș, schi de tură sau pe rachete.

Dacă ajungeți prin zonă nu trebuie să ratați Rezervația de urși „Libearty” – unică în Europa, care se poate vizita de-a lungul întregului an, respectând măsurile de siguranță luate de către gazde. 

Visit Zărnești- casa ta departe de casă

-Zărnești-Piatra Craiului is waiting for you this winter with various activities suitable for both active visitors and those who are just looking for relaxation at the foot of the mountains.
~ Tourists can discover the area by a short hike in the Zărneștilor Gorges, Curmătura Chalet, or at the Colții Chiliilor Hermitage Monastery and Cave.
~ Explore the area with a photo tour in Plaiul Foii, the white ridges of the Piatra Craiului Mountains delight the eyes in any season.
 ~ Bear watching in the largest sanctuary dedicated to them- Libearty is also possible in the cold season (with guided entrances at 10:00 and 11:15), tasting traditional dishes at guesthouses and cottages in the area, or an educational trip to the Visiting Center of the Piatra Craiului National Park completes the wide range of activities.
~ Also, if the weather allows, a horse-drawn carriage ride / sleigh ride in the surroundings, or a day skiing tour in the Piatra Craiului National Park, are other activities sought during the cold season.
 • 🏠Accommodation: The guesthouses are located both in the city and closer to the mountains and benefit from spaces where tourists can fully enjoy the view of the Piatra Craiului Massif.
 • 🍽Lunch or dinner at restaurants in the area, can be served indoors, depending on the restrictions imposed, but the green certificate is required.
 • For more tourist information, recommendations, visitors are welcome at the headquarters of the National Center for Tourist Information and Promotion Zărneşti, 📍Str. Dr. Tiberiu Spârchez, no. 12A, in the center of Zărnești.
The town of Zărneşti is located in the southwestern part of the “Ţara Bârsei” depression, on a plain with a golf course. The city is 25 km from Brasov and 11 km from Rasnov. The area of ​​influence of the city of Zărneşti overlaps almost entirely on the mountain relief.
According to the documentary attestations, the antiquity of the settlement dates from the XIII - XIV centuries, from the period of the Saxon colonizations in Transylvania, Banat, respectively “Ţara Bârsei”.
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The Piatra Craiului National Park

What to In Zarnesti- Piatra Craiului destination:

- hiking on the mountain trails of the Piatra Craiului National Park (varying degrees of difficulty); 
- visiting the virgin forests of the Piatra Craiului National Park; 
- following the ”educational trail” of Piatra Craiului National Park; 
- Bear-sighting trips in a closed observatory with Transylvanian Wolf / Absolute Nature (March-November); 
- guided hiking trips with wildlife sightings (deer, chamois, mountain cock), field identification of the traces left by different wildlife species; 
- bear sightings at the Libearty Bear Sanctuary 
- mountain biking on the marked routes of Piatra Craiului National Park 
- renting bikes to ride in the center and on the way to Plaiul Foii tourist area. 
- visiting the area of Plaiul Foii, for panoramic views of the Piatra Craiului Mountains, biking, or horse-riding. 
- visit the Museum of Piatra Craiului National Park 
- visit the Sculpture Museum- Fekete Gabor 
- visit the Magura and Pestera mountain villages, traditional sheepfolds, taste the local cuisine; 
- lunch/dinner at traditional restaurants/bistros in downtown Zarnesti, or on the terraces of restaurants with panoramic views of the Piatra Craiului Mountains in Plaiul Foii area
- Renting mountain bikes at Mountainbike Romania or Electric bikes with E-bike Piatra Craiului.


Of the 42 hiking trails, most of them have their starting point from Zarnesti town, which is the most important city for access to the north side of the massif. From the southwestern part of the city starts the forest road that runs through the Gorge, Valea Cheii, and Valea Vlăduşca, allowing access to the eastern slope of the massif. 
The most popular hiking routes in the Piatra Craiului massif are: 
1. Zărneşti - Botorog Fountain - Zănoaga Clearing - Curmătura Chalet 
 Marking: yellow stripe, time (hours): 2h 30- 3 hours, difficulty: medium; 
2. Zărneşti town- Zărneşti Gorge - Curmătura Chalet 
Marking: blue stripe, time (hours): 3-4 hours, difficulty: medium 
3. Zărnești- Zărneşti Gorge- "La Table" 
Marking: red cross, time (hours): 3-4 hours, difficulty: easy 
4. Zărnești - Valea Crăpături - The Crăpătura Saddle - Curmătura Chalet 
Marking: yellow stripe, time (hours): 2-3 hours, difficulty: difficult 
5. Zărnești - "Colții Chiliei" Monastery - Diana Refuge 
Marking: blue band, time: 2-3 h, difficulty: medium

Download the newest Piatra Craiului Hikng Apps- Munții Nostri or Zenith Maps if you are a smartphone user,

For guided tours:
* Grind Adventure
Address: 4, Tudor Vladimirescu St., Zarnesti, Brasov
Phone: +40735154074
E-mail: infotrekkingromania@gmail.com

*Asociația Montană Azimont 
13 Decembrie St., Zărnești 

* Rucksack Mountain Guides
Address: 121, Mare St., Zarnesti, Brasov 
E-mail: marian.anghel@rucksack.ro

Bike tours

The 11 marked cycling trails cover the entire National Park and have three difficulty levels: easy, medium, and difficult. The trails travel through forest roads and trails interconnecting the most beautiful places to visit, woodland and meadows, through villages Măgura and Peștera, taking place on asphalt on only small distances, therefore it is recommended the use of mountain bikes (MTB). 
The description of cycling routes from Zărneşti - Piatra Craiului ecotourism destination can be found here, which can be downloaded in gpx format. 

For guided tours/ renting bikes:
*Rentabike Transylvania
*70 lei / bike / half day (between 8-13:30 and 14-20)
*125 lei / bike / day, 
*95 lei / bike for renting a min. of 3 bikes between 8:00 - 19:00

*Pensiunea Casa Zărneșteană
Avram Iancu St., No.60, Zărnești 
Tariffs: 150 lei/ day/ bike

*Cabana Plaiul Foii
Tel. +40726380323
Tariffs: 30 lei / bike/ hour
***Electric Bikes

E-bike Piatra Craiului
Str. 1 Decembrie 1918, Zărnești 
200 lei / day/ bike
*they can be delivered to an address

*Ecomotion e-bike - Pensiunea Kyfana
Tariffs: 100 lei-2h, 150 lei-4h, 200/day

*E-bike ride
*Pensiunea Casa Zărneșteană
Avram Iancu St., No.60, Zărnești 
Tariffs: 250 lei/ day/ bike


*E-bike Rent

Wildlife watching

 Far from the urban agglomeration, in the full silence of the forest, tourists have the chance to listen to nature, wild animal noises, and even safely watch the dangerous ones from specially arranged shelters. 
  The forests of Piatra Craiului are the ideal habitat of the great carnivores, such as bears, wolfs, deers, and on the rocky areas, where is the land of the black goats (chamois). The rich bird population, represented by 111 species identified in the area of Piatra Craiului National Park, is an ideal resource for bird watching lovers. 
Book a trip to see the brown bears at Libearty Bear Sanctuary.

Book your trip with:
* Transylvanian Wolf
Adresă: Str. Mitr. Ioan Metianu, 110, Zărnești, Brașov
Tel: 0744319708
E-mail: transylvanian_wolf@yahoo.com

* Absolute Nature
Adresă: Str. Zorilor 2/B/7, Zărnești, Brașov
Tel: 0788578796
E-mail: book@absolute-nature.ro

Urs Foto Safari

Horse riding/ Wagon Rides in Zărnești

Horse riding, a sport that begins to grow strongly, can be practiced in several equestrian centers, from where horses and equipment can be rented. 
For tourists interested in this activity, the centers offer horseback riding, carriage and sleigh rides in winter, in the neighborhood, or.in Măgura, and Peștera villages

Horse riding/ wagon rides centers in Zărnești:
* Popasul Craiului Guesthouse
Address: Plaiul Foii, Zarnesti, Brasov 
Phone: +40751111149 
E-mail: contact@popasulcraiului.ro 
The riding center offers: 
* 4 Friesian stallions 
* 7 Lipitans 
* 2 stallions and 5 horses 
* 4 Shetland ponies 
Rates: Horse riding lessons with instructor: 90 lei/ 30 min, 120 lei/ 45min. 
Horse riding on Lipisian and Frisian hair: 50 lei / 30 min, 80 lei / 60 min, 
Riding route: 100 lei / pers / 30 min, 1600 lei / pers- 1 hour
Ride with carriage (2 rides for 4 pers.) / Ride with sled (2 sleds for 4 pers. And 6 pers.): 100 lei/ 30 min, 180 lei/ hour
Pony rides: 20 lei / 10 min; Hire of horses for photo sessions: 150 lei/ hour

*Herghelia Haiducilor (only riding, sleighing in Bran)
Address: Tohanul Nou, 9, Unirii St., Zarnesti, Brasov 
Phone: +40799999238 
Email: contact@hergheliahaiducilor.ro 

Paragliding in Zărnești

What can be more spectacular than a paragliding flight over the Piatra Craiului massif? The spirit of adventure and adrenaline will be required in full, but the flight will be an incredible sensation providing absolute freedom.
The take-off is at the Măgurii Saddle, the flights here being very long over the Piatra Craiului massif.
Motoparapanta is extremely comfortable for those who seek first flight and it is less dependent on weather conditions. Recreational flights with motoparapanta in Zărneşti-Piatra Craiului ecotourism destination are made from the Piatra Craiului - Zarnesti Aerodrome.

Contact info:
* Parapanta Brasov
Tel: 0744979418
E-mail: office@parapantabrasov.ro
* Aerodromul Piatra Craiului Zarnesti
Adresă: DN73 (zona Tohanul Nou), în drum spre Râșnov
Tel: 0744392201 / 0744.979.418
E-mail: ionut_dobrea@yahoo.com

Cross-country skiing

For adrenaline lovers we recommend practicing this type of skiing, which conquers more and more followers. As a demanding sport, downhill slopes require a good skiing experience. Special equipment is required. Ski Touring offers the opportunity to explore the valleys and the slopes in winter, which this season has a different face.

For guided tours and ski touring equipment, contact:
*Asociația Montană Azimont
13 Decembrie St., Zărnești,
*Club Alpin Zarnesti
*Grind Adventure
Tel. 0735154074 
*Rucksack Mountain Guides
Mare St., no.194., Zarnesti,

Plimbări cu ATV-ul

În Zărnești și împrejurimi se pot închiria ATV-uri de la centrele de închirieri:
*ATV- Rental Adventures Zărnești- Plaiul Foii
Contact: 0753 169 739
*ATV Tour Zărnești
Contact: 0722 840 744
*Pensiunea Casa Zărneșteană
Conatct: 0745 769 763

The legend of the edelweiss

In the old days, a star departed from the sky and went into the world to meet the people and their lands. It traveled for days and nights with the wind. It passed countries and waters, but it could not find a single place to like. It traveled further, until it reached above some tall mountains; it was the sharp ridge of the Piatra Craiului massif. Among the pointy rocks, a few fir trees struggled to hold on, while endless forests covered the mountainsides.

Sheep herds grazed in the green meadows, and springs of crystalline water sprouted from stones. Delighted by the silence that reigned there, the star stopped; it broke away from the wind’s wings and fell on the highest and steepest peaks of the mountain. When it hit the first sharp peak, it turned into a white and velvety, star-shaped flower.

Since then, it became an ornament of the mountains, but it likes only the tall and steep peaks, to be close to the sky from where it came. The people called it the Queen's flower or edelweiss.

Local delicacies

The local gastronomy is closely related to pastoral activities, animal husbandry, and forestry, being the traditional occupations of the inhabitants of Zărneşti-Piatra Craiului ecotourism destination, activities requiring a lot of energy.
The area's cuisine is made up of healthy products based on meat and dairy products, potatoes, polenta, and fruit, not to mention sweets.
Dairy products such as cheese ("burduf", "caș", "urdă"), fruit jam or natural honey are present on the morning meals, and meat products, steaks, stews, accompanied by steaming polenta spoils the taste buds of visitors at lunch or evening meals, which may conclude with a dessert consists of homemade cakes, "călăghie", "scoverzi "or pancakes with sweet cheese or berries jam.
Must try: Papanași (donut bread with sour cream and fruit jam on top), Pancakes with sweet cheese and raisins, Soup in bread, Pork stew with polenta, Grilled Trout, Pizza.

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