Sică Alexandrescu Theater Brasov
The day of December 3rd, 1946, is the official date for the establishment of the People's Theater in Brasov, under the direction of Florin Eliade.
In 1948, the experienced director Puiu Maximilian (the father of the journalist's writer Mihai Maximilian) is named director of the Braşov Theater.
On May 14, 1949, the People's Theater changed its name to the State Theater of Brasov. At the end of the directorate provided by Puiu Maximilian in the band appeared new names, of which three will make a career in Brasov: Vévé Cigalia, Cotty Hociung and Mişu Fotino (the father of actor Matei Mişu Fotino, who lived his childhood and adolescence in Brasov, playing very young on the stage of the theater here, sometimes with his father).
On June 7th, 1994, the Dramatic Theater changed its name to "Sică Alexandrescu" Theater.