Resort Ambient 5* - Your hotel & venue center
Cazare - Cristian / Hotel
Now and Forever
You’re here. Finally. Now open the gates and breathe. Feel the soft breeze of a long-gone Yesterday and the fresh scents of Today. The big day is Now. And we write it for you. In capital letters, adorned with care and love for detail. “Once upon a time there was….”, that is how your story goes. Ours is about making your day thrive into “forever”. So, welcome to Ambient, the Events Center! We are your Now and Forever!
Cristian- Foreverland
Cristian is a place where the history lives in a perfect marriage with the present. Every step that you take is another page of a fairy tale, told by the narrow streets with the old Saxon houses, enchanted gardens and beautifully adorned windows that seem to guard the untold secrets of the past. This tranquillity of the long-gone days has stayed untouched by the storm of a loud Nowadays. However, there is this sense of comfort and well-being about the present, that you can feel wherever you go and see wherever you look.
Cosiness at home
If your travels bring you here, your sleep will be tranquil and smooth like a summer breeze in in one of the 17 rooms prepared for your arrival. As maidens await for their promised one, they are welcoming you dressed in skilfully woven, immaculate sheets, and with wonderful patterns inspired by nature, gently caressing the honey wood of every single piece of furniture. The warm light of a forgotten Yesterday enchants the noble and comfortable Today and together, they take you closer and closer to your one and only At Home.
Today is our favourite day
Time to say “Yes”. Yes for love, yes for life, yes for success, yes for excellence. We say it every day. And we have a place meant to make each of them worth it. Therefore, let us introduce you to “Edelweiss”, our 210- seat saloon, where you can enjoy your big day, and relish mouth-watering dishes in our a la carte restaurant or the one dedicated to ceremonies.
There is also a 120-seat conference room and a 160 year-old former Saxon stable, which is now a 120- seat impressive salon, beautifully decorated and refurbished to embrace your special Today.
And because every Today has its perfect morning, we have prepared for our guests a cosy breakfast room, with an open kitchen, where you can enjoy a refreshing good start of day.
The more, the merrier
We have thought, indeed, dear guests, about everything you may desire. So, let us introduce you the rest of the best: three bars, an exquisite 50 -seat terrace, with a fully-equipped kitchen, grill area, interior and exterior pool, both for adults and kids, pool and table tennis, dry sauna, massage room and free parking.
The star is nevertheless the ceremony foyer. Seemingly isolated at the end of a bridge-like path, it reveals its virgin beauty amidst the big green. The dark hues of the wood and iron, together with a fluent tenderness in architecture make it more alive and vivid in the middle of the enchanting green garden. This is it! This is the place where your “Yes” can turn into “Forever”.
The history of Ago in the geography of Today
The surroundings of Cristian are authentic encyclopaedias, therefore, a one-day trip to Rasnov Fortress (6km), Bran Castle (25 km), Prejmer (25 km), Poiana Brasov (15km) may turn out to be both a useful history lesson and a reason for you to become a promoter of this land’s past, enjoying at the same time the opportunities of such a beloved present. Speaking of joy, don’t miss the adventure sites nearby, such as Parc Aventura, Paradisul Acvatic, The Zoo (Noua, Brasov), The Dinosaur Park( Rasnov) and the bungee jumping area. And if nature is your thing, you can also choose an ATV trip, a bicycle ride or a hike in the wonderful mountainous surroundings.
Authorization No.
- 30842
- 5 stars