Predeal Monastery
Monastery / Tourist attraction - Predeal
Chronologically, the third monastic settlement in Bucegi area of is Metocul din Predeal, founded in 1774 by the monk Ioanichie. The hermitage stood at the foot of Clabucetul Taurului, then owned by Biv-vel logofat Crisoscolescu who also ruled over Piscul lui Cumpat, Dutca, Rasnoava, front and back of Cerbului, which he sells in 1821 to Mrs. Sakelarie. Also it is clear from the document that, in 1788 during the Russo-Turkish war, the hermitage was reduced to ashes, then abbot Ionisie rebuild both the hermitage and the cells, financially supported by Ioan Buzatu from Baciul-Sacelelor. The building, being made of wood, at only 30 years old is recovered from stone, starring as founder Ion Manole in 1819.
The raise of the stone church in 1819 was made - as the inscription proves - through the donations of many Christians, especially of Ioan Manole (owner of the inn from Malul Ursului) and Ioan Buzatu, both from Baciu-Sacele. It is built in the shape of a cross from Caraiman stone, with the length and the width of 5.10 m and a single entry door on the western side. In the entrance hall you enter a door opening having one side and another two openings, whose side walls are semi-cylindrical. In their own right, on the wall above, are painted Saint Nicholas Demetrios and George. In the entrance hall are also found painted and the 12 Apostles, having the image of our Lord Jesus Christ centre.
The big church, which serves today, is built between 1833-1836 and has the same features as the church St. Nicholas. It has an exterior length of 22 m, width 18 m and height of 7 m, the nave being provided with a cupola.
Since 1919 Predeal monastery complex (the hermitage and two churches) are historical monuments. Until 09/01/1926 the religious services for local people who gathered around the monastery and made the city today steered monastery by monks priests. From this time the parish was founded Predeal, in order to establish religious unity of the believers from here.