Ciucaș mountains


Ciucaș Peak, Romania

The Ciucas Mountains, a huge recreation park due to the beauty and variety of its landscape and the atmosphere of quietness and purity of the environment, offer good conditions for mountain tourism.

The Ciucas Mountains are part of the Curvature Carpathians and reach a maximum altitude of 1,954 m (Ciucas Peak). Other major peaks are Gropşoarele (1,833 m), Ţigăile Mari (1,844 m) and Zăganu (1,817 m).

The main attractions are the two main peaks (Ciucaş - Bratocea and Gropşoarele - Zăganu), with some unique mountain formations in the country, such as Țigăile Mari și Mici, David and Goliat, Devil’s Hand, Tesla, etc.

The mountain is also known for the spring show of the Rhododendron flowers.

The Ciucas Chalet, located at 1,595 m altitude and the Red Mountain Chalet, situated at 1,280 m altitude, are the main chalets in the Ciucas Mountain.

The trails start from Sacele (Babarunca - the Poiana Teslei - Ciucaş Peak), (the Bratocea pass – Bratocea Peak - Ciucaş peak - Zăganu peak), Zizin (Zizin Valley - Dălghiului valley – Devil’s Hand – Ciucas peak) and Cheia (Gropșoarele peak - Zăganu peak – Ciucaş peak).

Photo credit: Sorin Untu, catalinagirea Montana

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