Geographic Location
Făgăraş city, an old urban settlement and strong commercial center, located at 45 ° 50 ' North and 24 ° 59' East, is located in the central northern part of the basin with the same name, bordered by the Făgăraş Mountains (the tallest mountains in Romania), Perșani Mountains and Olt river.
The city is situated on a relatively low terrace on the left bank of the Olt, cut by the old Berivoi river bed which now flows on the western border of the town (the shift was made during the great program to protect the city from floods). After encompassing the Galați village, Făgăraș now includes the area on the right bank of Olt.
Waters, climate, flora and fauna
The main river in the area is Olt, which reaches 49 m3/sec around Făgăraş. The many left side tributaries almost double the output on its Făgărășean course (there were situations when heavy downpours flooded their valleys, as well as Olt’s river meadow).
Făgăraş climate, as well as the entire depression, influenced by the presence of mountains, has frequent reversals of temperature, especially in winter. Specific for the area are the hot “fohn” air currents, which, in late winter and early spring, suddenly melt the snow (locals call them "snow eater" or "the great wind"). The prevailing winds in the region are the moist ones from the West.
The prevailing soil forest is one of the clues that, once, vast forests covered the whole Făgăraş depression. The toponymy of the area also points to this geographic reality, but it also indicates the deforestation made to increase the arable land and pastures; today, the depression only preserves a few clumps of forest - beech or oak – like the one sheltering the fabled “Poiana Narciselor"(the daffodils meadow) in Vad.
Făgăraş is crossed by the national road DN1, which connects Brasov (66 km from Făgăraş) and Sibiu (at 76 km); together with other three county roads and a railway, this national road provides the necessary infrastructure for carrying out economic activities as well as direct and rapid link with the rest of the country.