Făgăraș Fortress
Fortress / Tourist attraction - Făgăraș
Virtual tour of the Făgăraș Fortress ▶️ https://tur3d.real-tour.ro/show/?m=DYQpi61HQPE
Făgăraș Fortress is the most important monument of Făgăraș, one of the largest in the country and even in Europe.
Făgăraș Fortress is the most important monument of Făgăraș, one of the largest in the country and even in Europe.
The feudal Complex in Făgăraș, whose construction began in the late fourteenth century and continued through successive additions until the middle of the eighteenth century, was preceded by a wooden fort, surrounded by a moat and earth mound, archaeologicalz attested to the XIIth century.
This fort, evidence of local feudal political organisation as a "voivodat", was destroyed in the middle of the thirteenth century, following a serious fire, as attested by the remains revealed from archaeological excavations that accompanied the restoration.
In XV century the fortress of stone and brick from Făgăraș, which was a military defence fortress, had a quadrilateral enclosure with four towers and bastions at the corners and a barricade type tower outpost on the east side.
After the splitting of the Hungarian Feudal Kingdom in 1541, following the defeat of Mohacs, Transylvania became an autonomous principality under Ottoman suzerainty. In this framework, the domain and the Făgăraș fortress became the property of hereditary princes of Transylvania. Many have given Făgăraș special attention contributing to cultural and economic development of the entire area.
Michael the Brave, ruler of the Romanian Country between the years 1593-1601 and the first unifier of the three Romanian countries had, according to an ancient "voivodal" tradition, the title of "herțeg of Făgăraș", since 1597-1599 and claims the domain as his territory based on an "ius antiquum vaivodarum valachiae transalpinae ("voivodal" old law of the Romanian Country).
In 1599, following the campaign in Transylvania, Michael the Brave comes into possession of the Făgăraș domain and at the end of the year the city and the domain are given to his wife Doamna Stanca, becoming a place of shelter for their assets and family.
Michael the Brave gave special attention to Făgăraș due to its strategic location: in April 1600 the castle becomes the meeting point for his armies before the campaign of Moldova and in autumn 1600, after the defeat at Mirăslău, he regrouped his forces here.
In the 17th century, the building adaptations and additions to which the Fagaras Fortress is subjected will culminate in its transformation into a princely prestigious residence, this being the peak of the history of this majestic monument.
The destination of the 85 rooms of the castle was deduced from the inventories of the Făgăraş Fortress, especially those from 1632, 1637, 1656, 1676.
În urma acestor lucrări efectuate în secolul al XVII-lea, Cetatea Făgărașului devine reședință a principilor Transilvaniei și centru politico-administrativ al marelui domeniu al Făgărașului, fiind un impunător centru medieval.
At that time, major works were undertaken in the Făgăraș Fortress led by the principles Rackozi Gabriel Bethlen and Gheorghe Rackozi I.
Thus, Gabriel Bethlen (1613-1629) bild open loggias in arches on massive masonry piles. At the same time, at the corners of the fortress the four strongholds are built in Italian style (three "with ears" and one in the shape of a feather).
During Gheorghe Rackozi I ’s rule (1631-1648), the exterior walls were doubled on the southern and northern side and the space created was filled with earth, obtaining an 8 feet thick wall. He also build the guards buildig in the northern part of the east side, the defens moat around the castle is widened, made deeper and filled with water from the Olt river, becoming a real lake.
The domain of Făgăraș (the Făgăraș Country) becomes one of the largest and richest areas of Transylvania, including over 50 villages administered by two secondary courts.
Since 1696, after the permeation of the Austrian army into Transylvania, Făgăraș became Crown property of the Habsburgs.
Change of the Guard
The fortress guards can be seen each Saturday and Sunday at 11:00. This way the municipality tries to reinstate some of the medieval atmosphere at the fortress.
The fortress guards can be seen each Saturday and Sunday at 11:00. This way the municipality tries to reinstate some of the medieval atmosphere at the fortress.
The presence of swans completes the new image.
Text and photo source: http://www.info-fagaras.ro/
Video - https://www.youtube.com/Discover Romania
Video - https://www.youtube.com/Discover Romania