The Evangelical Fortified Church in Meșendorf
Fortified church
The evangelical church in Meșendorf has a coherent aspect, with proportional choir and nave, both vaulted and supported on the outside by equal buttresses. A buttress on the northern side of the choir nevertheless indicates the location of the old sacristy.
During the last modifications of the church, making it fit for defense against Turkish attacks and civil wars, both components of the church were super-elevated, but on the upper part the defense solution of choice consisted of a wooden wall corridor supported by corbels.
During the same time the inner vaulting systems were abandoned. Some of their elements were surprisingly preserved: several ogee crosses depicting God’s Right Hand (Dextra Domini) and a Marian rosette, initially used in the eastern end of the ogee network. The opening of the old windows was preserved, unlike the original decoration. Inside, one still finds a tabernacle with preserved ironwork, though it is not necessarily medieval in origin.
The tribune’s panels are of great value since in 1765 Georg Rosenauer painted them with naive landscapes that include building complexes.
The fortification is also based on the church’s bell tower whose height dominates the entire complex.
Mrs. Doina Scoica
phone: 0040740903744
address: Meșendorf, no. 102
Text and photo source: http://www.rupeaturistica.ro/