AECO-SGLM Associațion for Education and Outdoor Culture

AECO-SGLM Associațion for Education and Outdoor Culture


Strada Mare Nr. 194, Zarnesti, Romania, 505800


The Association for Education and Outdoor Culture (AECO Romania) aims to promote the educational values of outdoor activities and the nature movement, generically called "outdoor" ("beyond the door" in English).

Among these are: walking (summer) and snowshoe walking (winter), cycling (mountain and road), rock climbing, mountaineering, speoturism, rafting, canyoning or skiing).

For us walking in nature and the mountain mean respect and education.

The main objectives of AECO Romania

- Developing modern tools for promoting outdoor education among young people and children: books, ebooks, thematic films;

- Organizing outdoor camps in different areas of the country/ abroad to attract all those interested in nature as an alternative to spending leisure time;

- Developing integrated tourism infrastructures in the natural environment to be used by all nature lovers in general but also for attracting and knowing nature for young people in particular;

- Training and formation of people for outdoor activities with young people and children, in maximum safety conditions;

- Collaboration with other local, national or international organizations for the proposed objectives.

AECO is permanently open to collaboration in the field of outdoor education, with other associations or legal entities in Romania, as well as with professional individuals in the field or people who do not work in these fields but want to get involved.

For more information about us and our work, please contact us.

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