The Fortified Church in Hărman
Fortified church
The fortified church in Hărman was repeatedly besieged and attacked especially in the 16th and 17th century, but it was never taken. In January 1612 the villagers even succeeded to defend the castle against a strong 7,000 men army of the Hungarian prince Bathori.
The three-aisles Romanesque basilica, already strengthened by a defence wall, was equipped with a bell tower on the western side in 1290.
At the beginning of the 15th century, both the tower and the nave were adapted to the Gothic style and a second ring wall was erected. The first defence wall was heightened up to 12 m and strengthened by seven defensive towers and an outer bailey. A third wall, which did not survive to this today, surrounded the moat that was filled up in 1814. A parapet walk was built on the inside of the first defence wall, which is partially preserved today.
Remarkable are the granaries and the rooms attached to the southern side of the church.
The western tower, the tallest in Ţara Bârsei, was provided with a new spire in 1794.
The inner furniture mostly dates back from the 18th century.
A pre-reformation chapel in the eastern tower is richly decorated with outstanding frescoes depicting the Last Judgement and the Punishment of Sinners among others.
Dan Ioan Ilica-Popescu
phone: 0040729745210
Opening times:
in the summer: Monday-Saturday 9-18h, Sunday 10-18h
in the winter: daily from 10-16h
(it is possible that visiting is not allowed during certain events)
Text and photo source: http://kirchenburgen.org/